Shit leaves a bad taste in my mouth every time I see someone post a brainlet meme. Making sure I’m correct in my gut or if I’m being a ‘scold’

      • TrumanShow_IRL [none/use name]
        3 年前

        stop whining about every single minor thing, christ. it just looks pathetic. it’s not altruistic. it’s not being a good leftist. it’s being a joyless fuck.

        cognitive dissonance level: redditor

      • comi [he/him]
        3 年前

        Do you find joy in calling people idiots? What joy is there? Like explain it to me, at worst it’s minor inconvenience of trying to make degrading comments more inventive. Or just call cruel people what they are, wish them happy lamposting oscillations, like the language is big

          • comi [he/him]
            3 年前

            Could call them imperialist pigdogs :kim: or bootlickers, or sell outs, which much closely describes liberals, no? There is excremental angle as always for shitbirds.

              • Arkhamasylumresident [he/him]
                3 年前

                You ever realized you really are what you’re calling most people? You must have been the kid who thought it was funny to make fun of the special Ed kids in school, and then proceeded to get shoved into lockers by the rest of the school for being a dick

                • Grimacejoe [none/use name]
                  3 年前

                  n-no u r!

                  Sweet comeback. I like how your response to vaguely ableist language is specifically ableist insults.

                  • Arkhamasylumresident [he/him]
                    3 年前

                    It’s quite a bit better than the weird turds you’ve been sliding towards everybody trying to pass it off as something worth reading.

                    You realize I’ve specified the cartoon Wojack about 6 different times now?

                    Jesus Christ

                    A cartoon depicting people with Down syndrome as something to be made fun of or laugh about is objectively bad

                    • Grimacejoe [none/use name]
                      3 年前

                      Cool but why are wojack cartoons bad, but saying that I must be mentally disabled with words isn’t?