These ppl are fucking unhinged.

    8 months ago

    Imagine the only defence of your position being "I'm older and people should respect their elders, therefore I'm right."

    What an empty, meaningless (and yet presumably long) life this person must've led. Years they could've spent educating themselves, or honing skills, or learning the lessons about basic empathy they apparently failed to learn in kindergarten. I can't even imagine what this person's life must be like, if this is how they react to someone trying to educate them on something. I don't like to call people "Karens" unprovoked, but I have a funny feeling this person has screamed at at least one manager in their long life.

    • CrimsonSage [any]
      8 months ago

      Age often does correlate to knowledge simply by dint of the fact you had more time on each to aquire it. Inevitably those people who fall back on age as their justification for being right forgot to do the aquire it part.