Seriously, imagine being a class reductionist. I could never be one. Just the pervasiveness of racism, bigotry, misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, et al that I have personally experiened tells me that there are other dynamics that intersect with class that are very, very relevant. But sure, tell me all about how the white guy who quotes black crime stats and seeks out suburbs that are virtually all white to live in would totally be a good comrade if you could just have 15 minutes to explain class consciousness to him. Or the evangelical nut who somehow in 2021 considers transgenderism a sin and a mental illness akshully only sees is that way because of class. Go ahead.

Seriously if you see any class reductionism here just tag me, I love banning class reductionists. It's fun for me.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Disclaimer: I'm a white cishet-passing guy. Please educate me if I get this wrong or if I'm blind to stuff.

    Class reductionism is one of those things that points at real problems but proposes the wrong solutions.

    Class is important, both because most people are working class and feel the consequences of class society and because the working class holds real power over society in a way that other oppressed groups don't.

    For a long time class based politics has been pushed to the back of public consciousness and a renaissance of class consciousness is long overdue.

    Instead the progressive end of mainstream politics has been taken over by class-blind liberal identity politics that fails to address material conditions. Getting people who are struggling to get by to see more girlboss CEO's as an important issue is a hard sell. We all know that these girlboss CEO's are not going to lift a finger for working people.

    Class reductionists claim they want to unite the working class by putting aside all the so-called identity issues that allegedly divides us. But they get it wrong. It is not the fight against oppression of minorities that divides us, it is the oppression itself that does. When class reductionists downplays oppression they are contributing to it and thereby making leftist spaces less safe and inviting to women, BIPOCs or LGBT people.

    Class is important and the way to build a strong proletarian movement is through solidarity where we recognise and help eachother. Leftism just for white guys has no future.