I wonder if the target demographic for the expansions is landlords? So they can do the same thing in the game that they do in real life? Test out new ways of stealing from people?

  • jabrd [he/him]
    11 months ago

    It’s neat that the expansion adds a new map in southeast asia so you can simulate buying up cheap land in a developing nation to become a slumlord there UwU

    • Rom [he/him]
      11 months ago


      Here's an expansion checklist to use

  • 31415926535@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    I fear the expansion will be so riddled with bugs, that wouldn't be possible.

    We could use it to imagine scenarios in which amoral landlords are punished in creative ways. Do the same thing I did to Nancy Landgraab when she cut off electricity to my gay sims house.

    Watching her sleeping in the dirt in a homeless shack, just a trash can to cook in, dirty bush to pee in, and sick cats vomiting all over the place... that was therapeutic and wonderfully cathartic to watch.