
    11 months ago

    It's almost as if we are the villains ... ?? Absurd ... just because of a few thousand extinct species per year, countless fubared ecosystems, rapidly increasing consumption of natural resources far beyond sustainable levels, absolutely horrible conditions we directly (like for cheap mass food production) and indirectly (eg habitat loss), and various mass poisoning on global levels that millions of years from now will be clearly evidenced in the rock layers (CO2 levels, radioactivity, forever chemicals, plastics, whatever the brining boiling oceans will result into, etc)?

    ... what I'm saying is orcs need to up their game considerably, turn this story from a sad fat orca proudly singing her last song in the face of extinction into a future textbook example of how to quickly get rid of an infestation on a planetary scale. Does anyone know how can I support their advanced bio-weapons research? Maybe orca-to-surface ballistic missiles? Orca tanks, but the armoured vehicle with weapons kind?