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    • mathemachristian [he/him]
      11 months ago

      May I interest you in some math lectures? Please read our brochure:

      • IzyaKatzmann [he/him]
        11 months ago

        Any recommendations for Partial Differential Eqs? I did an ODE course a while ago and I wanna get back into it.


        • mathemachristian [he/him]
          11 months ago

          Not of the top of my head but I'm back in the library on Thursday and can have a look at the recommended section.

          • IzyaKatzmann [he/him]
            11 months ago

            :O I took a look at the MIT Courseware but it didn't really catch me.

        • christian [he/him]
          11 months ago

          I've heard good things about Evans, but I can't vouch for that myself and the book is massive.

        • mathemachristian [he/him]
          10 months ago

          So aside from Evans which seems like the gold standard, I also found "Partial Differential Equations Modeling Analysis, Computation" by Mattheij, Rienstra and ten Thije Boonkkamp as a prominent recommendation.

          It seems like it has a soft introduction so good for getting back into math, as well as a side-focus on numerical methods and modeling, so playing around with some made-up real-life problems in SageMath or Matlab (and lets be honest drawing pictures is the fun part of this endeavour) should be achievable.

          I personally haven't used it so can't vouch for it but these two books are what my library has as the standard textbooks on PDE.

          • IzyaKatzmann [he/him]
            10 months ago

            Oh this is wonderful comrade, this'll be helpful i hope in my studies. i've been meaning to model biological systems (populations of bacteria and microbes) since there were a few interesting ideas i wanted to explore.

      • christian [he/him]
        11 months ago

        That is one of the worst math books out there and I will never understand the fanfare it gets. Rudin barely makes any effort to motivate concepts and totally obfuscates the proofwriting process in the name of elegance, while discussing a subject which is the most accessible entry point into serious math. The people who have enough experience to absorb all of the details are almost guaranteed to be at a point where they'll get a lot more out of basically any topic that's not kiddie analysis. It's like showing kindergarteners how to add by first teaching them about monoids to lead into the natural numbers and people ooh and ahh over how this is the best exposition on adding numbers they've ever seen.

        • mathemachristian [he/him]
          11 months ago

          By today's standards yes, but it used to be really progressive in that it broke with the standards of teaching (proper) logic first and then building the complex numbers and concept of differentiation from naught but logical calculus. Rudin even did away with the Dedekind cuts from the regular course material and relegated them to an appendix to give an easier intro into the field of real numbers. This was heresy at a time when mathematically sound teaching had to be logically sound as well.

          I think its still a good reference for exam prep or when you have to look at what exactly stokes theorem said again but I agree with your point that it is not a good introductory material into maths in general. Proof writing is the real art that needs to be the first step into math but I don't think that can be taught by book alone, you need someone to read and correct and criticise your proofs if you want.

          But "Principals of mathematical analysis" could have been the title of a brochure to get people interested in some religion called "mathematism" or something so I thought it worked best for the bit.

    • CrushKillDestroySwag
      11 months ago

      I have a feeling Yahtzee will fill the void. ZP has kinda been his lesser project for a while now, will be interesting to see what he comes up with now since he apparently doesn't own the ZP copyright.