I hope a lot of comrades in the previous thread realize that it's easy to couch anti-vax conspiracies in left-wing logic. It's also possible for people on this site to spread anti-vax talking points without realizing what you're doing.

"The Moderna vaccine only lasts six months" - we don't know this. We know it's lasted about six months so far. It's impossible to know if it lasts any longer because it has only existed for six months. And even if that were true, it would still make the COVID vaccine far more effective than the flu shot, and nobody's conspiracizing about that one. If you see someone saying "it only lasts six months", please correct them by saying "it lasts at least six months." Right now, Pfizer has announced that their vaccine is 91% effective against infection and 100% effective against severe disease after 6 months. Moderna has announced similar results. We don't know how much longer it goes because, well, linear time.

"The J&J one casues blood clots" - we don't know this. We have found 6 clots in people out of 7 million who got the vaccine. It is incredibly hard to prove causality in public health science and we are light-years away from being able to say this definitively. And regardless, if you had a 1 in a million chance of getting serious blood clots from J&J you would still be far more likely to die from driving 30 minutes to your appointment than getting the vaccine.

"There are reasons to distrust a united government and media front" - This could be said about anything. It could be said about Flat Earth or QAnon. Sure, it's also been true about awful shit the government did, but that is not evidence in itself to suggest something is up here.

"The vaccine was rushed" - Probably true, but a rushed vaccine would literally save hundreds of thousands of lives compared to none at all. The goal isn't to make the perfect vaccine, the goal is to get something out there that works and put it in arms.

The fact is there is an insane amount of evidence that the vaccines work and there's a difference between healthy skepticism and refusing to look outside and see the mountain of evidence that it works. Cases and deaths are plummeting as soon as the vaccines rolled out en masse. I don't think this forum has many anti-vaxers, but I do think it's easy to disguise anti-vax propaganda and get well-meaning leftists to regurgitate it. Please be responsible and don't fall for it.

  • ekjp [any]
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • space_comrade [he/him]
      3 years ago

      About 1 in 600 Americans have died from the virus so far.

      Damn that's fucking crazy.

      • Sacred_Excrement [comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        Put another way, more Americans have died of Covid 19 than have died in every war the US has fought since and including WWI.

        WWI: about 117k dead

        WWII: about 291 k dead

        Korea: about 40k dead

        Vietnam: about 60k dead

        Iraq war 1: about 1200 dead

        Iraq war 2/Afghanistan: about 7100 dead

        That all totals 516k. I know I am leaving out incursions and ops elsewhere, but current covid death toll is at 577k, and still growing by about 800-900/day at the moment.

    • DetroitLolcat [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Yeah I can’t pretend I didn’t write this after seeing your post (among others). I definitely agree with what you wrote here, I just got a different vibe from the other post so I wanted to clear stuff up.

      Thanks for clarifying comrade!

      • D61 [any]
        3 years ago

        In the same way that the common cold or flu doesn't have a permanent vaccine solution.

        The bug mutates, it takes time to realize that the bug has mutated, it takes time to study the effects of current vaccine regimes on the new bug, takes time to develop a new vaccine, time to test the vaccine and get it through safety tests, and time to distribute it to the public.

        Vaccines are kind of a reaction to a problem not a preventative solution. The bad thing has to happen first before we can figure out how to deal with it specifically.

  • jabrd [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The pharma companies will make more money doing healthcare imperialism in the imperial periphery than from injecting you with baboon blood guys. The incentive is on the corps to make a good vaccine as fast as possible with as much as possible so they can become the dominant dealer and strangle the market (again, namely developing nations who don’t have the means to create their own vaccines). I get the skepticism about any solution being put forward by the government/corporate America - especially after how fucked every other thing they’ve done has been - but there’s nothing at the moment that would make me think they’re giving us murder juice. Also you could potentially get superpowers from the shot so that could be cool

  • TrumanShow_IRL [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    “There are reasons to distrust a united government and media front”

    Tell these people they should stop drinking water and start drinking their own piss.

  • StLangoustine [any]
    3 years ago

    Hot take, but so is people here going "well, BIPOC have a reason to distrust US healthcare system" when some black celebrity starts spreading covid conspiracies.

      • StLangoustine [any]
        3 years ago

        The one I remember specifically was the Disney Black Panther girl going off about Satan and what not and she's not even American.

    • rozako [she/her]
      3 years ago

      While it's not America, this is just silly to pretend isn't a real issue within nonwhite communities. Roma in Europe are EXTREMELY wary of the vaccine because so many of the women have been sterilized at doctors for decades. I have been trying to talk back against these points with my own family, but come on. I would be worried if I was some Gypsy women in Czech Republic where sterilization is some of the worst. It should be reasonable to understand these worries and fears have deeprooted beginnings. Not everything is influenced by celebrities.

    • D61 [any]
      3 years ago

      If you can take the time to give some context when posting stuff like that, its helpful.

      I, personally, think its okay to post dodgy stuff so long as there is an effort by the OP to give some context, like "Hey, here's some bull shit that's making the rounds. Here's a few points off the top of my head about why its bullshit..."