DetroitLolcat [he/him]

  • 21 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2020


  • DetroitLolcat [he/him]
    toaskchapo2022 Predictions Thread, Get Your Hot Takes Here
    3 years ago

    My predictions:

    1. Due to increased supply of therapeutics in the Global North and vaccines in the Global South, COVID kills fewer people in 2022 than in 2021.

    2. The WHO declares COVID to be an endemic virus by the end of 2022.

    3. Every country on Earth will experience significant COVID spread in 2022, even those that suppressed it in 2021.

    4a. Roe v. Wade is overturned...

    4b. ...which leads to an ourpouring of support for Democrats in the midterms, giving the incumbent party their best midterm election since 2002...

    4c. ...and it still isn't enough to stop the GOP from taking both houses of Congress in November.

    1. Lula is elected president of Brazil. Macron is re-elected president of France.

    2. Kissinger lives another year.

    3. A scaled-back reconciliation bill of approx. $1.5T is passed with Joe Manchin's support.

  • DetroitLolcat [he/him]tonewsGhislaine Maxwell Found Guilty
    3 years ago

    Guilty charges were sex trafficking of a minor, transporting a minor with the intent to engage in criminal sexual activity and three related counts of conspiracy.

    Not guilty charge was enticing a minor to travel to engage in illegal sex acts.

    I think it all comes down to legal mumbo jumbo but the big charges stuck and she gone.

  • It's less deadly. It's less deadly than every dominant variant so far. The debate among scientists is now if it's somewhat less deadly or extraordinarily less deadly. With how infectious it is we would be seeing collapse-inducing strain on our healthcare systems both domestically and internationally if it were as deadly as Delta. But it isn't. Omicron waves in countries that are on the downswing did not see the hospitalization and death numbers Delta waves did.

    South Africa was seeing Delta patients die alongside Omicron patients that didn't. This was in a population with 20% immunocompromise. When the case rate exploded the death rate didn't:

    It's less deadly. That doesn't mean it's not deadly, but it's less deadly than Delta or even wild-type. If you get it and are vaxxed, it will probably be fine. It is not guaranteed to be fine. You should still be cautious. Wear a mask and get boosted. Don't crowd indoors.

  • Michigan folks know who this guy is, but eccentric millionaire Shri Thanedar just announced a primary challenge to Rashida Tlaib ( :aoc-rashida: , see right).

    This dude is absolutely wild. Was a super rich businessman, moves to Michigan after living in STL for a long time, goes to Marco Rubio political events before announcing a run for governor as "Michigan's Bernie Sanders." All of his ads were about how he has a strong accent and his name is hard to pronounce (highlights: ). Dude spent like $12 million dollars on a run that shat itself (in part because of allegations that his chemical company abandoned dogs in a warehouse). Two years later he buys a state House seat from Detroit and now announced he's gonna spend $5 million trying to primary Rashida despite purportedly agreeing with her on every issue.

    I'm gonna be salty if Rashida Tlaib beats the same crooked machine politician twice in a row before losing to a random millionaire weirdo with absolutely no ties to the Democratic establishment.

  • There's no evidence to support the statement. I think it's a little too-online :brainworms: , comrade.

    Trump did not impose any lockdowns. The states did, and then Trump went out of his way to pressure states to ending them. He literally threatened to withhold PPE from states that opposed him. Trump gets zero credit for lockdowns.

    Every bit of covid relief Trump passed was also passed alongside Democratic approval. The GOP opposed the second stimulus and we only got the second $600 because :bernie: threatened a government shutdown.

    Trump's covid stimulus was a massive upwards transfer of wealth because of the PPP corporate slush fund. Biden's was a downwards transfer of wealth that cut child poverty nearly in half overnight.

    Trump opposes all mask mandates. Biden extended one to federal property.

    Trump ended unemployment expansion. Biden brought it back temporarily.

    Trump scheduled the student loan pause to end. Biden keeps pushing it back.

    Trump's judges overturned Biden's extension of the eviction ban. They may very well do the same for the vaccine mandate, which Trump never would have authorized.

    None of this is a defense of Biden's handling of covid, which has been poor. There is absolutely no intelligent case that Trump's response was better, equal, or even close. If you tried to explain to a person who is not on the internet all the time why Trump handled covid better you would look foolish for good reason. There is no left-"Trump was better" argument. It's not based in any science or solidarity with frontliners/immunocompromised, it's a brainworms "own the libs" argument. It just completely falls apart when you look at the facts.