• DetroitLolcat [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I mean yeah it's a step down from what Buttigieg got, Yang got like one-tenth of the vote Buttigieg got in the primary. Buttigieg got fifth place overall and "won" a state, Yang dropped out after getting dump-trucked by Tulsi Gabbard and Tom Steyer in New Hampshire.

    I also don't think Yang cares about his progressive credentials. I don't think Yang ran as a progressive in the primary nor does he want to be referred to as one. He was the farthest right candidate in the primary on entitlement spending and the minimum wage and after dropping out bashed Bernie on CNN then endorsed Biden. He is the future of centrist Dems and ran as such. I don't think people are voting Yang expecting him to be Bernie-lite nor do I think he wants to be Bernie-lite.