It made it into a reality show about one cop. Not the other cops on the scene. Not the police as a whole. Not the system. Not racism. Not the oppressive nature of policing black communities.
One guy... caught on video. One..... bad apple.
A shitty narrative
It feels good to get justice for once. It's a relief. We should be allowed to feel it. And at the same time, realizing his same department killed another 2 people just within the last few weeks, and those people will likely not face consequences either. It's sad to be pessimistic or cynical right now, but we tend to see what will come of the future. But it doesn't undermine this victory. Idk. Many feelings over this all.
Lets not act as if a guilty sentence without a sentencing and without a community behind it in which justice is restored is justice. Justice is there when the community got its wrongs righted - and as minimum that means reparations for centuries.
Sorry, I’m not really knowledgable of law terms. What do you mean sentence without a sentencing? Isn’t the sentencing him going to jail?
He has been found guilt, the judge has not decided on the exact punishment yet, could be 20 years or could be 100. Im not sure if this actually answers the question lol
Oh I see. Hopefully it’s as long as possible