I don’t normally post but I’ve been getting kinda anxious about this as graduation gets closer.

I started seriously looking for jobs in mid-March and have sent out around 25 applications so far with the oldest being a little over 3 weeks old, and the only responses I’ve gotten are what seems like 2 auto rejects I got almost immediately after applying with no other contact otherwise.

My undergraduate was in chemical engineering but I did a master’s in data science bc I wanted to pivot into more-techy jobs. Idk if my lack of a cs undergrad is hurting me a lot or what.

Maybe this is normal and I’ll start hearing back from places soon but I just wanted to hear someone else’s thoughts.

  • buh [any]
    3 years ago

    if they haven't responded within a week, it's likely a rejection, though occasionally they do respond after the first week.

    honestly I wouldn't any value on whether you get an interview from every application, job hunting is such a finicky process that until your first day at a new job, you should be in the mindset that nothing is guaranteed and you have to keep searching. also if it's your first job (in tech) you might have to apply to more than 25 jobs, some apply to a few and get offers from all of them, but many others might apply to over 100 jobs before getting something.

    good luck comrade, the process of finding a job even after Learning 2 Code™ is like 60% of why I became a communist