• QuillQuote [they/them]
      3 years ago

      Not sure if by some you meant folks from here, but that's absolutely true, as much as I love this place and despite how it's leagues better than most of the internet here, some people here will be completely oblivious that they've been jerry many many times. People tend to forget that this isn't a 'bad' person thing, it's not a 'dumb' person thing, its hammered into you without your notice. Its something to be actively worked against. We're leftists here, but that doesn't make the brainworms magically not exist, doesn't mean you haven't absorbed a lot of fucked up shit through cultural osmosis.

      So please hypothetical user who this is directed at, take this to heart. If you're talking about things which are just theoretical or abstract to you don't spout your take, I guarantee you someone will, because the take you were gonna took was not rare, and there was no fear of it going unsaid. Instead of taking up space with takes that bury marginalized comrades, do what you can to raise them up and extend their voice and ask questions etc