hombres como Camilo Cienfuegos surgieron del pueblo y vivieron para el pueblo. Nuestra única compensación ante la pérdida de un compañero tan allegado a nosotros es saber que el pueblo de Cuba produce hombres como él. Camilo vive y vivirá en el pueblo

-- Fidel Castro :fidel-salute:

Camilo fue el compañero de cien batallas, el hombre de confianza de Fidel en los momentos difíciles de la guerra y el luchador abnegado que hizo siempre del sacrificio un instrumento para templar su carácter y forjar el de la tropa... Camilo era Camilo, señor de la vanguardia, guerrillero completo que se imponía por esa guerra con colorido que sabía hacer

-- Ernesto Che Guevara :che-smile:

Revolucionario cubano (La Habana, 1932 - ?, 1959). Procedente de una familia española acomodada, desde 1954 formó parte de grupos universitarios contrarios al régimen de Batista. Fue fichado por la policía política y hubo de emigrar a Estados Unidos y luego a México, donde se integró en el grupo revolucionario que organizaba Fidel Castro.

Compañero y colaborador de Fidel Castro, acompañó a éste en el viaje del Granma, que les llevó a ambos a desembarcar en Cuba en 1956 para establecer un foco guerrillero en el este de la isla. Durante la ofensiva final contra la dictadura de Fulgencio Batista, Cienfuegos dirigió la llamada «Columna Antonio Maceo», que fue la primera unidad de los insurgentes que abandonó el refugio de Sierra Maestra. En unión con el Che Guevara, libró la decisiva batalla para tomar Santa Clara (1958), tras la cual les quedó expedito el camino hacia La Habana, donde entraron triunfantes el 2 de enero de 1959.

Sin embargo, Camilo Cienfuegos no pudo ver los frutos de la Revolución por la que tanto había luchado, pues murió en un accidente de aviación en aquel mismo año. Se habían requerido sus servicios para organizar las fuerzas revolucionarias de Camagüey, y el 28 de octubre de 1959, de regreso a La Habana, desapareció el avión en que viajaba, del que nunca se encontraría ningún rastro.

:fidel-sarcastic: aqui gringo

Men like Camilo Cienfuegos emerged from the town and lived for the town. Our only compensation for the loss of a comrade so close to us is knowing that the people of Cuba produce men like him. Camilo lives and will live in the town

  • Fidel Castro: fidel-salute:

Camilo was the companion of a hundred battles, Fidel's trusted man in the difficult moments of the war and the devoted fighter who always made sacrifice an instrument to temper his character and forge that of the troops ... Camilo was Camilo, Sir of the vanguard, complete guerrilla who prevailed for that war with color that he knew how to do

  • Ernesto Che Guevara: che-smile:

Cuban revolutionary (Havana, 1932 -? 1959). Coming from a wealthy Spanish family, since 1954 he was part of university groups opposed to the Batista regime. He was booked by the political police and had to emigrate to the United States and then to Mexico, where he joined the revolutionary group organized by Fidel Castro.

Fidel Castro's partner and collaborator, he accompanied him on the Granma trip, which led them both to disembark in Cuba in 1956 to establish a guerrilla focus in the east of the island. During the final offensive against the Fulgencio Batista dictatorship, Cienfuegos led the so-called "Antonio Maceo Column," which was the first insurgent unit to leave the Sierra Maestra refuge. In union with Che Guevara, he fought the decisive battle to take Santa Clara (1958), after which the road to Havana was cleared, where they entered triumphantly on January 2, 1959.

However, Camilo Cienfuegos could not see the fruits of the Revolution for which he had fought so hard, since he died in a plane accident that same year. His services are required to organize the revolutionary forces of Camagüey, and on October 28, 1959, on his return to Havana, the plane in which he was traveling disappeared, of which no trace would ever be found.

Aqui hay una lista de organizaciones de derechos trans a las que puede apoyar :cat-trans:

Aquí hay algunos recursos sobre la abolición de prisiones :brick-police:

Fundamentos del Leninismo :flag-su:

:lenin-shining: :unity: :kropotkin-shining:

Anarquismo y Otros Ensayos :ancom:

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    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      3 years ago

      I don't know what those are. I mostly stick to 80s stuff, there's a lot there.

      • cilantrofellow [any]
        3 years ago

        Ah ok. There’s a lot of stuff from about 10 years ago as well that was basically born on the internet.

        Here’s a more recent album from White Ring: https://youtu.be/yu-HXnal5Qs

    • quartz242 [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Purity ring and XXYYXX are my two favs but crystal castles is good too cept for the abusive producer

      • cilantrofellow [any]
        3 years ago

        I’m a big fan of CRIM3S though I dunno if they’re still around they had a lot of issues with heroin. You Love Her Coz She’s Dead is good, and then also Salem.

        Purity ring is basically my favorite band though.