I'm curious if anyone feels like sharing stuff.
I will say this: Even though it has been rocky at times, I think for the most part the site is in a pretty good place. I'm glad most people here kinda have the same idea as me and just trying to have a good time, talk about random stuff without having to make every single thing into a huge debate or whatever. I see a lot of respectful and mostly good discussions without people resorting to calling some a fascist or some other annoying thing. We've got so much hostility everywhere on the internet, I'm glad almost everyone here just vibes and shares cool shit ya know?
It's nice to have a group of people with similar views to hang out with, you know?
I can't fucking stand reddit anymore. I will go there when someone links a thread to downvote fash or post a troll comment but yeah. Just being away from fucking reddit is a blessing.
i pretty much only use like 6 subreddits now and stick to that. I've liked a lot of the grill pill discussions in r/AcidMarxism a lot, some really cool stuff goes down there
yeah even if they are my natural predator, i guess it's true :rat-salute:
Owls have to stick together