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    • happybadger [he/him]
      4 years ago

      In order for socialism to win, we have to consider things dialectically. I wouldn't want to live in North Korea either but I understand the context of why it is the way it is. I don't like the Kims to the point that I mockingly portray my dog as one, but I understand how that came out of the trauma of their colonial exploitation and WW2 and the Korean War. I understand the repressive collectivisation in the same way Stalinism arose, a necessary response to existing between two wars of extermination against him with the need to match the industrial capacity of a superpower with a century's head start. Unless you have some better option for a country that lost almost every building within your grandparents' lifetime, that lives under the daily existential threat of the most advanced military in the world looking to repeat Afghanistan for its mineral wealth and land border with China, what is a reactive dismissal of every socialist experiment going to accomplish other than armchair quarterbacking for US imperialism? What's your DSA Pyongyang alternative that allows North Korea to survive to 2021? Do the Kims exist because North Koreans are ant people who can't imagine the same ideas from the same books as you or because the country is economically blockaded and the prime target of the US imperial apparatus in the region? Would your North Korean Bernie not be any more secure from election fraud than regular Bernie was?

        • happybadger [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Oops, my bad. The idea of a forum with a juche gang is still new to me. Usually Vaushites on reddit say that mockingly at any pro-NK comment and juche gang distances the Kims from being monarchs.

          Maybe there's a better term for ratfucking Bernie. Election interference sounded too benign, election engineering too complete. Every wing of a dying empire was able to coalesce around shutting him out before the primary votes and then ratfucking those votes. If we'd do that to our most mild socialist reformer, as we did we Lula or Evo Morales, North Korea's fucked either way. I'm not sure how much the Kims are beholden to the central committee but that'd be the only other viable-ish option I could see for them.

        • RedDawn [he/him]
          4 years ago

          The exit polling stuff was pretty convincing to me. They rigged it.