I have no idea who this Destiny mf is but he is giving me some very strong Ben Sharpiro vibes. Just talks really fast with rapid fire bad faith arguments and dragging things down to the lowest common denominator.
It's fun watching Big Dick Wolff get really irritated by this little shit stain lol.
I don't even know the institute nor the person, maybe we ought to try multiple bubbles instead of just the one we know?
The comments and people writing in the chat proof otherwise.
Sure even better would be door to door and company to company organizing, but we aren't there yet. To ignore social media - like twitch - is to ignore material reality (esp. without empirical data analysis) for moral superstitions.
The heroes of the working class aren't academics.
Yeah I'm pretty sure Wolff and his team had him in that debate just to introduce marxist ideas to the twitch community, so I have mad respect for him putting up with that insufferable anal polyp for 1.5 hours :fidel-salute: