If you are running it in a VM or use WSL, start dual-booting.

If you're already dual-booting, make Linux your primary OS.

It's not hard, I promise! Most distros are very straightforward to install.

When you use Micro$oft Windows, you are letting Bill Gates microchip your balls using 5g towers.

Using proprietary operating systems makes you a lib. Stalin wrote at length about this and also how sick his Arch rice was.

More reasons to use Linux:

  • Your OS no longer mails pictures of your genitalia to Steve Ballmer
  • Jiggling desktop windows
  • Richard Stallman stops sleeping underneath your bed
  • Always feel like hackerman
  • Helps starve the capitalist tech giants of their lifeblood
  • Penguins are dope
  • dead [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Some people new to GNU/Linux make the mistake of thinking that you need to install a specific distribution to have your computer look a certain way. People say that Linux Mint looks like Windows, not that it's actually similar. However, the distribution is just a collection of software, often with a software repository and a package manager tool. The software that makes your computer look a certain way is called a "Desktop Environment". Some distributions will use a specific desktop environment on a default install, while others will allow you to choose the Desktop Environment. Linux Mint uses a DE called "Cinnamon". If you were to install Debian and choose "Cinnamon" DE in the installer, your resulting system would look pretty much the same except for different logos. These would still be based on 2 different collections of software.

    Linux Mint as an operating system was created to develop the Cinnamon DE. Originally Cinnamon DE was made for Linux Mint but it is now possible to install on other distributions. A problem with Linux Mint is that it has a bad repository. Debian maintainers compile all the Debian software for the Debian distribution. The Linux Mint repository combines software that was compiled for Ubuntu, software that was compiled for Debian, and software that was compiled for Linux Mint. This creates a so called "FrankenDebian". For this reason, I would recommend that people not use Linux Mint. You can have the appearance of Linux Mint by installing Cinnamon DE on Debian. In another post in this thread , I detailed why I think that Debian is the best distribution.

    Ubuntu is like the corporatized version of Debian. Debian is a distribution with strong principles based on freedom. Ubuntu takes all the source code from Debian and then creates a new distribution abandoning Debian's freedom principles.

    To understand the GNU/Linux command line, in most cases the command line uses a language called GNU Bash combined with GNU Core Utils and Util Linux and whatever other programs you have installed. This shouldn't be hard for a software developer to pickup. You can usually open a manual for any other program with the man command. You would just type like "man vim" to open a vim manual. Think about it as a live programmable interface.

    I would recommend avoiding Wine as much as you can. The intention of GNU/Linux is not being a similar thing to Windows, it is to be a better operating system than Windows. The GNU operating system was originally developed to be a fully FLOSS operating system. Often Windows software is designed restricting, controlling, or exploitative of the software user. Windows software restricts the user from running the software on other operating systems. Windows software also restricts the user from understanding how the software works, modifying the software, redistributing the software, or even how the user uses the software. For this reason, it is always better to find a GNU/Linux software alternative to the windows software. For work or school, I understand that this might not be possible as those institutions sometimes require people to use software that is intentionally freedom violating.

    I would recommend trying Debian, it offers 6 different DEs to choose from: GNOME, KDE, XFCE, LXDE, Cinnamon, and MATE. Learn how to use the package manager. Debian uses a package manager called apt. When you encounter problems, read the manuals and wiki. Since you are a software developer, you can also try using the software compilers on GNU/Linux, which are much easier to use than windows. You can compile C or C++ with gcc. You compile C# with mono. You can even compile windows software on linux using mingw64. There is a compiling automation tool called Make. For an IDE, it is generally recommended that you use vim or emacs or maybe geany.

    • makotech222 [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Yeah, great post and all, but these are things that I don't really ever want to care about. Just installing windows and being done with it lol.