Putting aside that Jason Bourne is fictional, this false display of manliness reminds me of how my dad always said he couldn't take the Bourne movies seriously because Matt Damon looks like an honour roll student.
Also, the CIA was never scary because the individual agents are badasses, the individual agents have always been Ivy league educated preppy rich kids, who weren't the ones that would inherit their parents' companies. Like the CIA is scary for its institutional power, not because all the guys played rugby at Princeton for one semester. As dumb as that ad was, that Latina woman could probably take on most CIA employees from the 1970s in a fight. Like guaranteed most CIA employees have never physically overpowered a person they didn't drug.
Extremely funny to me that none of the cons getting mad about this can actually find a real CIA person to admire, because they know the Millitary-industrial-hollywood complex has been a more effective propaganda tool for them than their own agents.