Just found out I’m inadvertently going through ketosis by forcing my body to burn protein aminos instead of carbs (and some other science shit). :party-parrot-science:
But the main issue is that it makes me excrete aminos through my sweat and now I smell like shit after my workouts. Almost like chemicals. It’s gross. :party-parrot-mask:
Anyway, anyone have any clue? Any cheap, healthy carb heavy foods I could take down before my daily workout? :party-parrot-popcorn:
Oats are great if you can eat them like an hour + before you workout.
My "ideal" meals was like oats & fiberous fruits like 2 hours before a workout and a banana 15 minutes before.
Had oats this morning. Plan on doing beans as side during lunch.
Dooope. Gonna look some up. Apparently my protein intake is high but my complex carb intake is low. Gotta find a bar with the complex carb