The Winner by a very large margin is:

’Blackshirts & Reds’ (2001) - Michael Parenti | tag: Marxism-Leninism

Parenti shows how “rational fascism” renders service to capitalism. How corporate power undermines democracy, and how revolutions are a form of mass empowerment against forces of exploitative privilege. He also maps the external and internal forces that destroyed communism and the disastrous impact of the “free-market” victory on Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. source

This is the tentative schedule:

  • May 22nd: Blackshirts and Reds Part 1
  • June 5th: Blackshirts and Reds Part 2
  • June 19: Blackshirts and Reds Part 3
  • Jul 3rd: Blackshirts and Reds Part 4

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I will be seeing you in the margins comrades, as we annotate and discuss this book week to week.