How fucking insane is it that this continent still has kings and shit? Am I right? Fucking weird ass shit. Like Europe wants to fancy itself as a continent of rationality, but they allow people to exist that claim exorbitant wealth pillaged through global slavery and imperialism is a rite of blood. The Enlightenment in Europe is still an incomplete project and will remain so until the victory of communism. Am I right, comrades?
I live in Germany, so luckily we threw our Kaiser out a while ago :rosa-shining:
But some rich assholes are still fighting legal battles to get "their" castles back after the GDR expropriated them, EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE FUCKING NAZIS.
You think communism is so good? Let me tell you about how the communists took my grandpa's castle.
Yeah, that castle I was in yesterday?
Because it's still public property :marx-ok: