If it was done as a worker's co-op it should be possible to use the idea to avoid the worst apsects of capitalist immmiseration through group cost savings. Living with a group of politically like minded people seems attractive. Allowing comrades you live with to hold you accountable for your organizing, lifestyle and productivity would probably be a positive thing for everyone here tbh. Am guilty. A lot more theory would be read in general lol.

I mean, it's probably better suited to single people that would be willing to relocate, but it seems surprising that it's not a bigger thing, especially with the cost of accomodation.

Got this fantasy of a derelict office block at the end of a cycle path, say 40mins cycle from a city to get the cheaper real estate, converted for communal living.

  • hauntedjetty [he/him,they/them]
    3 years ago

    aren't most of those just neoliberal shit like treehouse and/or neocolonial projects (like the one in Guatemala iirc)

    • spectre [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Nah, there's plenty of them in the US. Lots of anarchisty, eco-lib, and eco-socialist options as far as existing projects go. Some are just friends who bought property together and are land-mates. It's generally not something I would consider "revolutionary" in nature, but comrade OP sounds like they want to take it that direction, and good luck to them in pulling it off.

      • pluggd [they/them]
        3 years ago

        Yeah, wasn't suggesting something revolutionary tbh. I suppose I'm talking about something where the communal cost savings on accomodation/expenses would give people the time and space and energy to be more active politically. Living with comrades is naturally gonna result in an increase in motivation and activity.

        A way to live in a capitalist urban environment without all of your efforts going to rent and expenses. It could be as political or active as people choose.

        I suppose I'm visualising something like a large hostel, run as a co-op or something similar, where everyone has their own room with loads of other rooms available for whatever.

        • spectre [he/him]
          3 years ago

          I have been working with some similar ideas too, it's difficult, but it's been done before. Good luck on your research and possibly undertaking this challenge, my friend!