Idk, for real verisimilitude the Communist kid should get murdered by the CIA.
And then have the school prop up the kid running under the ultra right wing message
I ran in a communist party for my school mock election, we only had 3 people and couldn't agree on whether we wanted people to vote for us or abstain from voting. We devolved into leftist infighting and didn't have a coherent message, so I guess that's pretty accurate too.
upon this news, kim il sung and his comrades decided to strike the occupied south, for the communists absolutely werent gonna lets some bitch ass principle tell them what to do.
why do American schools even have student governments? I went through the fuckin school system and I don't think there was ever a student government that had any real power. Real company union vibe to the whole deal.
It's a combination of stuff like this, learning about the basics of running an organization, and probably some "here's stuff kids can do outside of class."
When I was in high school they got us a communal microwave to use, which was neat I guess
when i was in high school they took away everyone's communal microwaves cuz someone set off the fire alarm leaving burnt grease and food in it.
In Argentina some pull strikes and protests for better school conditions and usually for political causes too. See the recent abortion legalization campaing, the historic student free-transit pass (that earned them being kidnapped tortured and killed by the last dictatorship), and the usual "this school is fucking crumbling you dipshits, we gonna block the streets until shit gets repaired you fucking shitstains"
In New Zealand we have a student representative on the Board of Trustees.
Like, literally, the board of the school is required by the law to include a student. Every board meeting of the school including hiring, firing, restructuring, discipline, and policy decisions has to have a student representative present.
I got elected to that role and it was chaos. A story for another time.
My platform was a pun based on my name. I got elected by crashing assemblies.
They're a) pressure relief valves that allow some sections of students to believe they have some degree of autonomy and b) social clubs for the wealthier and/or hoity-toity students to make connections with one another
Get kids to squabble over who gets to do the unpaid event planning labor
It teaches kids about bureaucracy. Basically, you elect a student council... but the only decisions they can make have to be approved by the unelected faculty and staff.
I thought most places have that. It's not bad. In Greece they plan a bunch of lockdowns and sit ins too.
Idk but in Argentina in the seventies some of those highschool "student governments" in some key cities were based enough for the dictatorship to kidnap and kill all those children. :agony-deep:
The few public highschools that depend of the public Universities in Buenos Aires City, Córdoba, Rosario, La Plata (and maybe some others I don't know about) are normally really based, and their students councils or whatever are cool too, and as I said they have a history of being cool. Recently, they were pretty active in the abortion legalization campaign.
Inb4 the CIA assassinates that student candidate and Juan Guaido declares himself president of the school
based on other comments here, that actually happened to a student government in argentina
Sounds like the school was teaching them about how the U.S. handled post-war independence movements.
That happened in my high school but it was the earlier 2000s and it was because we knew voting communist would make the teacher mad.
this is not me saying the kids are pro communist at all btw. he said their only election posters were pictures of dababy and “vote communist”
:dababby: LESSGO
Fucking cowards, that single thing actually teached them more than anything else.
Said kid has since retreated to the bleachers to wage protracted people's war. Just yesterday, the principal's hall monitors were ambushed with a stink bomb attack during 2nd period.