Consumer side activism works best on a small scale, where the impact is very clear and obvious. As it scales up the effect of your activism becomes obscured since the boycotters becomes a smaller % of the market. The number of people going vegan (predominantly in the global north) does not out number the growing markets in developing countries. Major production companies are still gaining customers on a global scale due to globalization

Obviously go vegan, but expecting real change out of nothing but a dietary choice is unrealistic. Direct action through other means like legislation etc. will be more effective both in the short and long term

On the small scale though I do believe it is effective. If you get your entire friend group or community to boycott a family restaurant that supplies the meat from their farm you will be having a real effect on those animals.

This is not carnist apologia, obviously they SHOULD go vegan, but a vegetarian or carnist participating in direct action, physically saving or improving animals lives has a more profound impact than vegans who simply refrain from picking up already dead animals from their grocery store.

my POV. Thoughts?