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  • IlIlIlIlIlIlIl [any]
    3 years ago

    China does not do regime change. China does not interfere with the internal matters of other countries.

    That is the foreign policy stance of China.

    China does not do regime change because regime change is an extremely expensive and high-risk operation to pull off with disastrous consequences if done wrong.

    One of the major reasons the former Soviet Union fell was because of its internationalist policy, fomenting regime change in all countries. The Soviet Union bankrupted itself supporting all communist movements in the world because unsurprisingly, doing regime change is very expensive. The Soviet Union, once bankrupted, collapsed and took with it all the communist movements it propped up. Do you want this fate to occur to China as well?

    • Maximum_Destruction [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Cool. Then they should STFU up about other countries rather than producing this kind of "both sides" bullshit.

      • IlIlIlIlIlIlIl [any]
        3 years ago

        What does China owe you? You guys talk about China like it owes you the world or some shit. Let me get this clear: China does not owe you anything.

        Who does the Chinese government care about? Chinese. Who does the Chinese government not care about? Western Leftists.

        If anything, you owe China everything. The West raped, pillaged, and plundered China for over a century, turning it from the richest country in the world into a backwards, poverty-stricken, backwater.

        The Chinese do not owe you anything. So how dare you expect reparations from them? If anything, you should be the ones giving the reparations!

        China bailed out the entirety of the West in 2008. Without China, you would be living in what would be equivalent to modern-day Libya. China is the only reason your country's economy functions. China is the only reason you are able to afford food, to afford water, to survive.

        You should be grateful of China, be extremely thankful of China, not fucking treat them like an entitled brat treats their mother, who gave everything for them.

        This is why the Western Left is mocked and ridiculed among the Chinese. You need to learn your fucking place in history, because you are not in a bargaining position.

        Palestine has already lost. It has lost once (British colonization), it has lost twice (Israeli colonization), it has lost thrice (1st Intifada), it has lost four times (2nd Intifada), and it will lose five times (current 3rd Intifada).

        As sad as it is to admit, let's be real here: Palestine is not winning this conflict.

        To ask China to support Palestine, to fund Hamas, to fund Hezbollah, is a losing proposition.

        Hamas is an Islamist organization. China's stance on Islamist organizations is very clear. They will not let a repeat of Xinjiang happen.

        China cannot support Hamas. The Chinese people will never let China support Hamas, after they saw what happened in Xinjiang.

        And to not support Hamas, the sole remaining viable resistance to Israel, is tantamount to not supporting Palestine at all.

        Therefore, China cannot support Palestine, not because it doesn't want to, but simply because it can't.

      • IlIlIlIlIlIlIl [any]
        3 years ago

        What do you want China to do? As I have already stated, it is politically impossible for China to support Hamas, or other anti-Israel Islamist groups because of what happened in Xinjiang.