Seeing these pop up in workplaces and HR doesn't know what the fuck to do about them. Right wingers so easy to grift.

Fun thing for them is that there is an "undue hardship" rule regarding health/safety for employers when it comes to religious accommodation, so they could potentially fire anyone who presents one of these letters on the grounds that keeping the workplace safe takes priority over religious accommodation.

  • Nakoichi [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Yeah I would definitely tell someone to fuck off if they tried to present one of these to me at work.

  • LangdonAlger [any]
    3 years ago

    Text of the letter:


    I am writing to confirm the sincerely held religious belief of NAME regarding not participating in covid tests, vaccines or wearing a mask or face covering.

    As an ordained Pastor and head of TRUE HOPE Ministry, I attest to NAME's objection to this practice of covid tests or vaccines, which are medical experiments, because they are "authorized" but not "approved."

    The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and as such, should not be used for medical experimentation. Further, the substances in the test and the vaccine are possibly harmful to the human body, and we are called to protect the body and not participate in pharmacopeia.

    And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (2 Cor 3:18) God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. (Gen 2:7) The breath of life from God entered them (Rev 11:11)

    Veiling of the face is a Muslim practice of submission to Allah. NAME is not a Muslim and is unable to violate her sincerely held religious beliefs by engaging in a Muslim religious practice.

    Requiring NAME to veil her face with any sort of face covering, mask or shield - which is a violation of her religious beliefs - would be akin to requiring a Sikh to remove her turban, which violates Sikh beliefs.

    The law states that a person's activities - what activities they participate in, and what activities they refrain from, are a part of one's religious expression. "Religious creed," "religion," "religious observance," "religious belief," and "creed" include all aspects of religious belief, observance, and practice that pare part of an individual observing a religious creed.

    Taking a covid test, vaccine, or wearing any sort of face covering or shield is an affront to NAME's religious beliefs. I concur with and affirm her sincerely held religious beliefs.

    Signed: Pastor David W Hall, True Hope Ministry