Had account called "Golden State Nationalist", posted vapourwave fash shit and pictures on his personal account of him with anime body pillows. His real name is Stefan Perez.

In summary, @dannoyes got willingly played by a failed actor and video editor-turned right-wing provocateur.

A source who hates leftists and posts racist Hitler memes on his social media.

One who literally invents stories for a living.

This is a total farce, @abc7newsbayarea.


  • pocket_tofu [she/her,fae/faer]
    3 years ago

    :amerikkka: :anglo-burn: :aus-delenda-est: :brazil-cool: :cayman-cool: :england-cool: :eu-cool: :france-cool: :germany-cool: :hungary-cool: :japan-cool: :kkkanada: :philippines-cool: :poland-cool: :roc-cool: :saudi-cool: :spain-cool: :swiss-cool: :turkey-cool: :ukkk: :ukkkraine: :un-cool: