Post your conspiracy theories about how conspiracy theories are conspiracies against actual theories.

    • Ecoleo [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Yeah, it just doesn't make much sense to me. The US govt doesn't need some crazy excuse like this to spend more on the military, we all know this. And if they did need an excuse, they can make up whatever story about Russia or China and that will pass.

      All this does is decrease the govts credibility to defend it's people. They are admitting there are things flying around that they can't do anything about.

      And how is everyone ignoring the fact that these objects are doing maneuvers at insane speeds that would pretty much be impossible to accomplish with any foreseeable technology?

      Disappointed to see so many fully dismiss the idea that these could be something entirely unexplainable.

      • Pezevenk [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Disappointed to see so many fully dismiss the idea that these could be something entirely unexplainable.

        It's because it isn't unexplainable at all. Everyone who seriously analysed the vids didn't find anything particularly interesting. The military either wants to hand people some slop and ask for more money, or they can't say what they really concluded yet due to red tape, or they got owned and are trying to save face. Seriously, not one of the videos shows something particularly wild. The GO FAST video which supposedly shows it move at insane speeds over the sea can easily be calculated to move at about wind speed using the numbers shown on the screen. The "rotation" video has been replicated by spinning around a camera viewing an object that produces a glare, while compensating for the rotation, which is how these cameras work. The flying pyramid videos have also been replicated by filming planes out of focus with night vision cameras with triangular irises. And so on and so forth. Not one of them shows what it is made out to show. So the question is, why does everyone writing these stories as well as some officials act like they don't realize this?