I moved here from America last year because they have tuition free college, and I'm honestly impressed with how stupid and evil this country is. Like I truly believe there is less revolutionary potential here than in America. Say what you will about America, but there is a general social attitude that does not put up with these bullshit opinions being publicly voiced.

Overall, Germany has some cool stuff going on, but they're also quite stupid and clueless.

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Anti-Deutsche are cringe af and full of the weirdest takes you can imagine, but "do it again, Bomber Harris" is actually an incredibly successful way to troll nazis. Nothing gets our fash malding like rubbing in the German loss of WW2, and Dresden is a major cornerstone of nazi apologia and historical revisionism - nazis hold rallies there every year to commemorate the allied "bomb holocaust" (that's the actual term they use) and paint Germany as the victim of WW2, and the whole Bomber Harris stuff originated out of counter-protests to that.

    The entire debate is heavily politicized and calling out the allied bombing of Germany will quickly lead to you arguing alongside the exact same guys who push the "clean Wehrmacht" narrative on :reddit-logo: . That doesn't mean there can't be valid criticism, i don't expect anybody on this site to do nazi apologia with that. WW2 is a good example of the "strategic bombing" doctrine being largely useless from a military standpoint, such approaches clearly are injustifiable when they are repeated today (which the USA does in every war they start). But that wasn't a mistake exclusive to the allies, it was the German air raids on the UK that kicked this off. Strategically, bombing Dresden made little sense. As an act of retaliation against the worst regime ever, though, it is fully understandable, and the cultural and political context this topic has in Germany shouldn't be overlooked. My grandparents went through a lot when the war ended, and from all i know none of them was a nazi, but i can't blame the allies for any of it, given what had come before. Germany brought this upon itself when people here chose barbarism over socialism. We had been warned, we didn't listen, we payed the price, and that does not only go for those who were NSDAP members, it does not only go for those who voted Hitler into power, it goes for all the enlightened centrists and mild socdems who failed to stop the nazis, too.