I've seen a lot on people in twitter discussing wether people should do "kinks"(?) in pride because they might scar the children for life and other arguments. Also calling people like the youtuber Big Joel pedos for thinking this is not a huge deal.

What happened? Maybe this is an american thing but since when have kids been brought to pride?

  • ProfessionalSlacker
    3 years ago

    Moral puritans who want to think of themselves as progressive people have to come up with a moral pretext for why they are offended by things they see at Pride that aren't any more sexual than something a kid might see in any other parade, so they've been weaponizing language of "consent" to imply that being made uncomfortable by sexuality is the same thing as being assaulted. Can't just end there though, than they gotta go "what about the kids" and make anyone who thinks that queer people shouldn't have to hide their existence are exposing themselves to kids. It's just blatantly old school reactionary shit, but it's still very prevalent even on the "left." Ffs, people here and in the discord still do that shitty Volcel Police meme.