Why would your wife kill you? Joe? What are you doing that your wife would kill you for?
I think for giving the kid junk? Like I don't think he's a good guy at all but his meaning here is pretty clear.
He said that after he said his wife would kill him. Maybe that is what he meant but the way he said it is really confusing to me.
Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for CheetosTM. For being there to call out for the cheesy flavour crunch, how heartbreaking was that? Your name will always be synonymous with being dangerously cheesy
breaking911 is an op and posts unverified stupid shit constantly
It's just a fancier way to say imagine my shock and :surprised-pika:
The daughter of a police-murder victim came up to me and said "Mr. President, I would love to grind on your crouch" and I said ,"Oh sweetheart no - my wife would be very upset. Please, have some animal crackers and a juice-box instead."
Just a totally normal thing to say to reporters, when memorializing the anniversary of a deplorable tragedy.
Shouts out to everyone who said Joe sniffing the scalp of girls was "not sexual"