• Budwig_v_1337hoven [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Consumption and individual transport - or: another world
    For what is motorised individual transport, which has been elevated to a fetish, used? To get people to their jobs in a totally flexible and totally monitored way, to have them consume at all times, to be able to transport people as quickly as possible - so that they work more and consume more.
    Is an electric SUV an improvement that will make anything better?
    In order to be able to live a life that does not destroy the vital foundations of the earth, we do not need electromobility. What is needed is less mobility overall, less individual transport, and above all less consumption, the benefits of which and the associated promises of happiness are hammered into us every day. It needs free public transport. It needs progress in social coexistence, a future without exploitation of our labour power. Only the perpetuation of colonial relations of exploitation makes it possible to produce electric motors that make people here believe that the cars are ecologically clean.
    And asked about the social aspects: Do the wealthy Tesla buyers with an eco-conscience want the mines and quarries for their "eco" car next to their "farmers' garden"? Do they want to see the power plants that supply them with electricity from their condo roof terrace? Do they want to see the huts of the downtrodden workers next to the eco-kindergarten where they send their children?
    No. These people and their working conditions should remain outside the EU. They don't want to see the misery. Because they probably simply don't care that others have to pay the blood toll for their "privileges". There is no lack of knowledge regarding the global interconnections. One can decide which side one is on. One can buy an SUV or set fire to it. We recommend the latter - without getting caught, of course.
    There is enough experience with the promises of capitalist-technological progress. 200 years ago, there were hardly any forests left in Central Europe because they were consumed for mining, industry, warships, heating and building. The forest clearings were replaced by the industrial extraction of coal. We all know what the subsequent burning of coal has done. We know that the digitisation of the world has led, and will continue to lead, above all to new forms of domination. Tesla will always know who else is in the car, what is being said and where the journey is going. The data does not belong to us, it is sold and forms another foundation for the possibilities of totalitarian surveillance.

    Climate catastrophe and the meaning of revolutionary acts of sabotage
    Among other things, the unbroken belief and adherence of all previous market-dominated forms of society to technical progress has undoubtedly had the effect that the climate catastrophe can no longer be prevented. Sabotage cannot replace major social struggles, but it can support them or set courageous accents in order to force thinking spaces and perspectives.
    Why then do we still engage in sabotage actions if we believe that climate destruction can no longer be stopped? Because we want to keep the magnitude of the coming catastrophes as low as possible. Because protest and resistance against the destruction of the climate through profit-oriented exploitation of the earth's resources can have a revolutionary outlook on the future as its objective. Because with the destruction of expansive market-radical economic policies there is the chance to establish a fundamentally solidary and social way of life that shows us ways to a different society. When the devastation of ecosystems is far advanced, a new society can better deal with the consequences of these legacies when the relations of domination are fundamentally destroyed. It is only in resistance to the existing destructive relations that the possibilities for change become apparent.
    The rich men who drive these processes of ecological devastation are also only results of social processes, and thus to a certain extent interchangeable, but it is not by chance that it is precisely these men who represent a politics of modernisation through destruction. Let's destroy everything that is called Tesla!
    People all over the world are fighting against their destructive belief in progress. For us, many of these struggles belong together. They are united by resistance to an aggressive push for modernisation. When indigenous women in Argentina shout to stop conquering their bodies and their lands, we also support these struggles with this action.
    The struggles in Hambacher Forst, Dannenröder Wald and other forests of resistance were and are points of hope for us, as are the radical sabotage actions of others in the coal mines who no longer fall for the lies of the proclamators of progress.
    By the way, the insanity of individual transport and electromobility can easily be attacked further: In September, the International Motor Show (IAA) will take place in Munich. We hope that there will be enough resistance locally, decentrally and also subversively on the net to make this a fiasco.
    Volcano Group: Against the Progress of Destruction

    (end of statement)