heard about this on Beep Beep Lettuce podcast

These girls, blessed with the ability to fly despite being bound to wheelchairs, possessed a burning desire to catch the attention of the famous social media influencer , Lil B.

men who can fly: "I must keep this a secret from the feds"

women who can fly: "based god, hello"

With their hearts filled with hope, the Winged Wheelchair Squad set off on their adventure. They soared through the skies of Aetheria, their wings carrying them gracefully above the bustling city. People on the ground marveled at their ethereal beauty, unaware of the purpose behind their flight.

"those big booby animes gonna do a 9/11" scared

Together, they proved that dreams can come true, even for those who are bound to wheelchairs with wings.

bruh what lol

these AI images are fucked, anime girls becoming one with their wheelchairs, Cronenberg horror: https://www.instagram.com/p/CxKJHy4re3f/?img_index=1

  • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
    10 months ago

    The ass with hair stood on a wheelchair is amazing

    AI knows exactly what anime is