• comi [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Psychic damage takes

    I’m a studying psychology student forensic psychology and I had sociology electives which I thought was helpful to understand the many perspectives or theories on society. Additionally, I’m really against IBT or anti racial bias training because in one of my psychology classes they taught us that if we administer a personality assessment which they both are it needs two things, validity and reliability, and both of these tests are low for each one. When I see that there are politicians or groups wanting to instill these sorts of testing to police it’s not going to help, it’s going to hurt individuals because like us they’ll end up confused.

    Forensic psychology motherfucker, guess which way their evaluations will go

    Not every black man is shot on sight, but now everyone thinks that because of one example. -OP in the thread

    CRT is simple racism. “Anti-racism” is just racism against whites. Everyone who supports CRT is on record saying that “reverse discrimination” is necessary. Disgusting. CRT spits in the face if MLK’s dream of being judged by character instead of the shade of one’s skin. And since victimhood is a currency now, this just perpetuates the market for it. It also perpetuates a reliance on identitarianism and ad hominem attacks to shut white people up and be openly racist towards them. And don’t even get started with 1619 Project. Fallacies all around. Stop teaching black history as a separate thing and stop thinking it started with slavery.

    5 upvotes btw