what with all these white jewish people in the imperial core who suddenly just NEED to go live in the middle east and commit war crimes and genocide along the way? Just... go buy a house in Arizona or something if you REALLY want to live in the desert? These people who are moving into Israel presumably had a place to live before moving across the planet. Why do they specifically need to move to Israel of all places? Who the fuck is waking up in the morning thinking "I need to murder brown children so I can live in that very specific bit of desert on the other side of the world"?

  • MarxistHedonism [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I think this post is kind of obtuse tbh.

    I think it’s easy to understand the appeal of living in a warm climate where everyone is part of your culture and community. Having kosher restaurants as the default made me so happy as a kid when I was there. Not to mention the rich history and architecture.

    Unfortunately, this can’t exist without genocide, so you either realize that or find ways to convince yourself it’s okay.

    • TheOldRazzleDazzle [he/him]
      3 years ago

      dumb random question, but can a kosher burger place serve a hamburger with a side of cheese fries? And is it still kosher to pour some gravy on those bad boys and turn it into poutine? like I know you have to separate the milk from the meat but how separate are we talking?


      Nevermind, just looked it up. The answer is very separate.

      New idea: Falafel house with veggie gravy poutine fries! Get all the meat out of there and save the cheese!

        • MarxistHedonism [she/her]
          3 years ago

          You can’t cook a cow in it’s mother’s milk is the saying that’s thrown around, but it makes no sense because you should then be able to mix chicken and dairy. There actually is a rabbi who considers mixing poultry and dairy to be kosher, but it’s not like official.

          So basically because reasons.