what with all these white jewish people in the imperial core who suddenly just NEED to go live in the middle east and commit war crimes and genocide along the way? Just... go buy a house in Arizona or something if you REALLY want to live in the desert? These people who are moving into Israel presumably had a place to live before moving across the planet. Why do they specifically need to move to Israel of all places? Who the fuck is waking up in the morning thinking "I need to murder brown children so I can live in that very specific bit of desert on the other side of the world"?

  • soufatlantasanta [any]
    3 years ago

    tangentially related but this is what gets me about the whole zionist situation and WWII in general is that stateless people or anyone who isn't part of a broader sovereign group always gets trampled on, so how exactly do anarchists think stateless societies would handle that for oppressed groups, poorer classes, and those who are oft-used as scapegoats for broader societal issues? it's why I skew closer to the ML ideal that there needs to be centralized authority in some sort of state body (maybe not as heavy-handed as Stalinist USSR) that can give legitimacy and sovereignty to groups that aren't being protected by liberalism and its bodies (nato, the UN, etc)