I think there's some kinda video game derived Matrix Brain thing going on here as well. Like at the end of the day a computer is a box that does math. Math isn't a force or element or particle or wave or whatever, it's a methodology used by humans to determine or predict various relationships between things. Math doesn't decide how anything works, it just describes it. All a computer does is Math and doing math doesn't change the world.
I think there's some kinda video game derived Matrix Brain thing going on here as well. Like at the end of the day a computer is a box that does math. Math isn't a force or element or particle or wave or whatever, it's a methodology used by humans to determine or predict various relationships between things. Math doesn't decide how anything works, it just describes it. All a computer does is Math and doing math doesn't change the world.
It would be pretty funny if scientists emulate a human brain only for it to just not work