Literally just mainlining marketing material straight into whatever’s left of their rotting brains.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    10 months ago

    People hyping the technology are thinking about what this will look like after a few years.

    Meanwhile, people hyping the technology that are thinking about what it will look like after a few years:

    • VILenin [he/him]
      10 months ago

      I really love being accused of veering into supernatural territory by people in an actual cult. Not random people on hexbear but actual, real life techbros. Simultaneously lecturing me about my supposed anti-physicalism while also harping on about “the singularity”.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        10 months ago

        Such hypocritical techno-woo tends to come from the kind of Reddit New Atheists that previously stumbled into deism with extra steps ("dae what if the universe is a le simulation?!") too.

        • VILenin [he/him]
          10 months ago

          It was actually pretty funny. I was interviewing a guy running an illegal aircraft charter operation when he went off on this rant about FAA luddites. I then personally shut down his operation. I guess techbros aren’t used to being told “no.”

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            10 months ago

            I guess techbros aren’t used to being told “no.”

            They don't just feel right. They feel inevitable, like every bazinga outcome they want is a matter of course and only a matter of time, from mass adoption of internet funny money and NFTs to the grand nerd rapture to come.

          10 months ago

          Again shows that atheism without dialectical materialism is severly lacking and tend to veers into weird idealist takes, especially for the agnostics which aren't even atheist just seeks the superstition that would fit them.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            10 months ago

            I've known a lot of self-described New Atheists in my college years, and the ones that didn't become actual leftists either found religion all over again through "cultural Christianity" or even "secular Calvinism" reskins (or up-yours-woke-moralists ) or outright replaced the old style deity with occult "Futurology" bullshit such as "simulation theory" and "Singularity" nerd rapture prophecies.

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                10 months ago

                Very good find. Explains the mindset of many self-described leftists I've previously argued with that had such very leftist takes like "those workers that lost their jobs did not have real jobs anyway" when fucked over by LLMs, often reducing the suffering of the working class to the most smugly nihilistic parameters ("meat" usually) to elevate the means of production over the worker (even replacing/surpassing their perceived humanity!) in a way that was really fucking bourgeoisie to me.

                  10 months ago

                  Yeah, though i also notice how many of the smug "freelancers" of the type that always enthusiastically joined the bourgeoisie in sneering at workers losing their jobs because "you can't automate creativity and we are creative unlike you dirty proles" suddenly cry about losing their comissions, bash people pointing it and demand help from the unions they always hated. It exactly confirms what Marx and Lenin said about proletarisation of the artisans and petty burgies, and i know enough of them to feel some schadenfreude on both personal and systemic levels.

                  Old tale actually, maybe it will give some of them some class consciousness, as it apparently already did to a lot of the creative wage workers, judging from the strikes. And speaking of strikes, idk how the unions portray this - do they try to actually put it in political context of capitalism or just went with "let's turn back the clock"?

                  • UlyssesT [he/him]
                    10 months ago

                    According to one specific jagoff in this thread, the answer is the unions will be crushed no matter what they do and that loyalty to the treat printers' owners will be rewarded soon.

                    Ignoring that because your gut tells you humans are special, and always beat the machines in the movies just means you will be blindsided when Tesla fights unioning workers with these bots.

                    • VILenin [he/him]
                      10 months ago

                      I love when they come out with this talking point. The question is whether or not “AI” is sentient, not whether or not it can be used against workers. That it can be used as a weapon and not be sentient at the same time seems to be a completely unimaginable scenario for some people.

                      My favorite bit is going “so you just want to hand AI over to them???” as if you must believe in the sentience of chatbots to make use of LLMs. So much non-sequituring and goalpost shifting going on here. And I hate to be all euphoric here, but it’s literally the textbook definition of strawmanning. Like, wow, you must be winning when you’re evading the question to attack a completely different issue and running victory laps around that. What an obvious and cynical attempt to slip in personal beliefs under the guise of leftism.

                      • UlyssesT [he/him]
                        10 months ago

                        Inevitabilism is what I tend to call it. I've seen it preached about cryptocurrency, about VR-being-fucking-everywhere-and-mandatory-to-function-in-society-by-like-2018, about the Metaverse(tm), about NFTs.

                        It's generally presented as "this new bazinga hype thing is the future and you must accept it otherwise you will be crushed by it like the unwashed barbarian Luddite that you are" smugposting. It isnt even about what is good about the new thing, only that it's an unstoppable STEM juggernaut because civilization itself functions exactly like a Civ game's le science le progress bars in one strict linear direction. so-true

                        My favorite bit is going “so you just want to hand AI over to them???” as if you must believe in the sentience of chatbots to make use of LLMs.

                        Believing hard enough in the sapience of the chatbot waifu will make the chatbot waifu fight for sempai and enthrone them at the top of the ruling class hierarchy in the future Singularity(tm) world order to come, just like in the treats! so-true

                        So much non-sequituring and goalpost shifting going on here. And I hate to be all euphoric here, but it’s literally the textbook definition of strawmanning. Like, wow, you must be winning when you’re evading the question to attack a completely different issue and running victory laps around that. What an obvious and cynical attempt to slip in personal beliefs under the guise of leftism.

                        That straw position about how we supposedly believe that the power of love and friendship will always overcome the cold uncaring machines was really fucking rich. I mean sure that'd be kind of fun to watch in a cartoon and a much better time than whatever masturbatory Singularity(tm) power fantasy that that jackoff subscribes to.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        10 months ago

        But disliking LLM hype waves or doubting the imminence of AGI and/or the Singularity(tm) makes you a Luddite that believes in magic and fairy dust. smuglord

          10 months ago

          That is, if someone treat it as binary "either eat elon shit or take the clogs in your hands" problem. Actually dismissing or rejecting it entirely is literally a neoludditism, though admittedly the problem is of lesser magnitude than the original one since it's more of a escalation than entire new quality, but it won't go away, the world will have to live with it.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            10 months ago

            I can disbelieve the extraordinary claims of how sentient/sapient the treat printers are becoming (and mocking the misanthropic pop-nihilistic reductionistic "meat computer" prattling from euphoric computer touchers) while also acknowledging that the technology is advancing rapidly in what it is specialized to do, which unfortunately is mostly going to fuck people over because capitalism.

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                10 months ago

                in capitalism, it would require some really free and accessible tool.

                As with other previous technological advances, it may actually be somewhat accessible until it isn't. Enshittification is a very real process, and as far as LLMs go, the "free and accessible" period is already upon us, and it's already not looking that great for the proletariat and the grip will tighten against them.

                  10 months ago

                  Only it's not the "free and accessible" period now that was for like 3 months, we are already on "until it isn't" time where the free ones don't really work anymore and you need to register for everything and any useful usage require payment.

                  • UlyssesT [he/him]
                    10 months ago

                    But that's all right because according to we "need to come up with a plan" to bow to our billionaire masters because our assumed current position is that we are superstitious New Age crystal touchers that believe the power of love and friendship will always triumph over the machines. To summarize that computer toucher is running victory laps against a position fucking no one is taking in this thread.

                    Also no plan was offered, just "you need to come up with a plan" so I assume the plan is bootlicker