Because in America, that statement is so heretical and antithetical to what the average American thinks America is, that most people probably wouldn't even be mad at you for saying it: They'd think you were legitimately unwell/insane.

It's on the same level as saying "I hate liberals and am not conservative".

  • Lucas [he/him]
    3 years ago

    You can create a list of traits and see that they overlap to encompass 99.99% of small businesses.

    • I don't support small businesses that won't pay their workers fairly.

    • I don't support small businesses that fail to follow or enforce regulations/exploit loopholes.

    • Most small businesses start with someone who's already coming from privilege.

    • Some small businesses just crowd a market with a fad, leading to unsustainable employment.

    • Most small businesses fail.

    • Co-ops are just better and give workers a stake in what they do.

    • Finally, fuck small business owners.