They went mask-off way too quickly for a sleeper account. D+ for effort tbh. I read two of their comments and immediately went "this fucker's getting banned"
Yeah I mean talking about spitting in someones face is going to get you banned for assault and spreading disease/general disrespect, or get a call from the @VolcelPolice depending on the context
Yeah someone called @LivinDaDream said they'd spit in someone's face as some sort of anti mask assholery. Got banned immediately lmaooo o7 mods
They went mask-off way too quickly for a sleeper account. D+ for effort tbh. I read two of their comments and immediately went "this fucker's getting banned"
Yeah I mean talking about spitting in someones face is going to get you banned for assault and spreading disease/general disrespect, or get a call from the @VolcelPolice depending on the context
Not be to mistaken for our own impersonators, VolceI Police
Yeah didn't someone try create an impersonation account of the VolcelPolice and got instantly yeeted off the website? Lmaooo
Yeah lol I didn't even see that until after it happened, so props to the mod team on that one