I was in third grade when he kicked the bucket and I remember they treated it like the Pope just died. They had his funeral on the school TVs and everything. Shit country.
Even in "left" states, most people are indifferent to him, at best. Some even lionize him as a "good" republican because DRumpf (completely missing the connection between the two).
At least TERF Island has some parts where people spit on Thatcher's memory as a hobby.
I was in third grade when he kicked the bucket and I remember they treated it like the Pope just died. They had his funeral on the school TVs and everything. Shit country.
Even in "left" states, most people are indifferent to him, at best. Some even lionize him as a "good" republican because DRumpf (completely missing the connection between the two).
At least TERF Island has some parts where people spit on Thatcher's memory as a hobby.
Appropriate, given what Pope have historically been up to