What, are you sure this is true? The hour windows seem to be just recommended. Check the website on that image and use google translate, it says use recommended hours to avoid crowds. (https://www.onpe.gob.pe/modElecciones/elecciones/2021/SEP/)
As far as I can tell, these are just recommended hours, yes. Seems like it’s just a way to control volume since, if I remember correctly, Peru has compulsory voting.
What, are you sure this is true? The hour windows seem to be just recommended. Check the website on that image and use google translate, it says use recommended hours to avoid crowds. (https://www.onpe.gob.pe/modElecciones/elecciones/2021/SEP/)
As far as I can tell, these are just recommended hours, yes. Seems like it’s just a way to control volume since, if I remember correctly, Peru has compulsory voting.