Hello users of hexbear after some discussion we mainly wanted to get your thoughts on the two pinned megathreads, one general and one news.

We've noticed that the news mega has basically become the general mega and the general mega has kinda slowed. Some are thinking that it might be time to tell people to stop posting random shit to the news mega because some appreciate the ever so slightly more serious, focused tone of the news mega

As of now there is not much of a standard for comments however we wanted to discuss with you regarding making a change. Where the news megathread is for discussion on current events and their history/implications for future while the general megathread is for commenting on one's life, interests, or for shit-posting.

This would result in the news megathread being more heavily moderated to actively remove comments that are a better fit for the general megathread or off topic.

Please comment with any thoughts, opinions, comments, questions, or concerns.

  • Egon
    1 month ago

    deleted by creator

    • context [fae/faer, fae/faer]
      10 months ago

      dennis it's understandable that liberals get them confused, but the judean peoples front is a patsoc group whereas the peoples' front of judea is the locally organized chapter of an internationalist workers movement

      • Egon
        1 month ago

        deleted by creator