What do you guys think will happen? Are we looking towards a united ireland? Are there troubles 2.0 emerging? And why?

    • grilledSoldier [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Afaik nothern ireland seems to get a closed border to england now, doesnt it? I think that could help towards a united ireland, but it could also easily push unionists over the brink into armed action i think

  • glimmer_twin [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I’ve read it’s pretty complicated because ROI would actually struggle to foot the bill if they suddenly gained all those extra citizens. But the UK economy is in free fall (they’re predicting the worst recession in 300 years, so basically back when capitalism was a twinkle in John Smith’s eye) so anything is possible.

    • grilledSoldier [he/him]
      4 years ago

      As far as i remember, ni was one of the places with the highest anti-brexit voting percentage. And the tories seemingly dont give a shit about it and will definitley throw it under the bus for brexit if needes. Im just not sure how many in ni have realized thst yet? And im not sure how the unionists will react to that. I think a lot of the societal fault lines are still slumbering beneath the surface, but im not sure.