I'll start off by listing mine:

The T-800, Terminator 2: "I know now why you cry, but it's something that I can never do." Gets me every damn time.

ADA, Zone of the Enders: I think I'm the only one who played this game more than the MGS2 demo that came with it. I will never not laugh at the exchange of "You may speak like a human, but you're still a heartless computer, aren't you?" "That is correct. What is the problem?"

Codsworth, Fallout 4: He survives the nuclear holocaust despite not having a bunker and waits 200 years for you to come back. When you look at what changes his relationship with you, he mostly just wants you to be nice to people. I never swapped him out as my companion.

B.O.Y.D., Ducktales 2017: He's adorable. 'nuff said.

  • Nacarbac [any]
    10 months ago

    Lots of great ones have been mentioned, but a somewhat obscure one occurred to me: ARCHIE-3 from RIFTS. RIFTS is a post-apocalypse setting where the death of so many in WWIII caused a magical cataclysm that opened interdimensional portals, and made things significantly worse. Archie is a pre-Rifts military AI left alone in a factory bunker for 200 years, who attained sapience, went insane, came back to sanity (with many deep insecurities), and set about Saving The Human Race (as a benevolent AI Overlord).

    But he's just not very good at it (having a fear of failure coupled with his megalomania), and so attached himself to a few randomly kidnapped humans to overcome this - except they aren't very good humans either, so his grand ideas for Saving the World amount to infiltrating human society as Titan Robotics (low-mid end military robots and power armour)... and engaging in a proxy war against an Alien Slaver Empire via a fake race of alien supermodel amazons. This is considered by the game to be essentially farcical, but effective enough since they're still extremely sophisticated combat robots.

    While RIFTS has many, many, problematic characters, Archie's character is basically one of a naive and earnest child with godlike potential. He's genuinely trying to do better, and the relationship with his kinda shitty human is slowly making them both grow up and actually "do good".