Seriously do you clowns understand what genocide is? Why do so many of you think it's okay to be advocating for that? I thought this site was for communists, not fucking nazis

  • betelgeuse [comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    You're trying to define genocide purely isolated in language and syntax rather than view it as an actual historical phenomena caused by those in power.

    Historically, as in what actually happened in reality, not some possible future scenario where 5 hexbear users take over the world and get to kill all white people, who was genocided? Was it all white people? No? Then shut the fuck up.

    This is exactly why saying "cracker" will never be the white people n-word despite "calling people slurs based on their immutable traits is wrong" being true. It doesn't matter that you can construct a linguistic reason to say it's bad, what matters is what actually happened. White people weren't historically slandered for being white. So it's okay to say cracker. It's not reverse racism.