Seriously do you clowns understand what genocide is? Why do so many of you think it's okay to be advocating for that? I thought this site was for communists, not fucking nazis

      • WayeeCool [comrade/them]
        7 months ago

        OP literally claimed being a racist white person an "immutable trait determined by genetics" and this is why calling for the death of chattel slave owners or white supremacists is genocidal. They then blocked me. Kids, this is your brain on liberalism.

          • WayeeCool [comrade/them]
            7 months ago

            Nah. I did not. They are acting in bad faith and being intentionally obtuse. If you look at all their comments, they are intentionally refusing to make that distinction and as such it ends up being what they believe. It's like the white people I deal with every day offline who take any criticism of systemic racism as a personal attack.

            Maybe it's just that I'm black in America and see this shit all day every day. Could just be perspective, idk.

  • Infamousblt [any]
    7 months ago

    Are you one of the folks who thinks that it's somehow possible to be racist against white people? Is that what's happening here?

    As a white person fuck white people we suck. Nothing anyone says about whiteness hurts me or any other white people. I've got plenty of other reasons I'm oppressed and or exploited but my whiteness definitely ain't one of them.

      • Infamousblt [any]
        7 months ago

        WAHHH someone made fun of my whiteness! That hurts me as much as centuries of exploitation and genocide done by my people! Saying a mean thing is the same as an entire history of violence! powercry-2

    • THC
      7 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • Infamousblt [any]
        7 months ago

        Imagine thinking that calling for the destruction of the oppressor is exactly the same thing as calling for the destruction of the oppressed. Omg all violence is the same thing! Historical context doesn't exist! Materialism isn't real! I'm definitely a communist!

  • aaro [they/them]
    7 months ago

    I'm gonna assume you're genuinely frustrated and engaging in good faith.

    You're right, it wouldn't really be good for all white people to die, unless you're some kind of Malthusian. Oppressor status is not inherent to a lack of melanin, it's just emergent from the history we've built for ourselves. I get it. But that's not what the comments you've linked are really saying. There's some subtext that you're missing - mainly that calling for a genocide against white people doesn't really come with any actual intent behind it due to the obvious absurdity of it.

    When some chud calls for the genocide of Jews, of trans people, of BIPOC, that's scary because it's happened before, it's happening right now, and it could sure as hell get to be as bad as it has been in the past if we don't get our shit in order fast. Calling for genocide against a marginalized group while in a position of power relative to the genocide apparatus is terrifying and reprehensible.

    However, calling for genocide against the operators of the genocide machine comes with a certain absurdity that we all know is impossible to follow through with. It comes from a recognition that that's simply not how that works. The statement "white genocide" is inextricably facetious.

    Given the above, the reason we're all bristling at you is because we (in my mind, rightly) believe that if you're not seeing the facetious nature of calls to white genocide, the only option is that you don't fundamentally understand the relationship between whiteness and genocide.

    • envis10n [he/him]
      7 months ago

      I really thought it was a bit, but idk now. If it's a bit they are very committed.

  • MF_COOM [he/him]
    7 months ago


    DAE making fun of white people makes you a Nazi actually

  • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    meh. white people aren't exactly at risk of being genocided. they are the most privileged mfers on the planet. comparing white 'genocide' to Holocaust or whatever is stupid because there was never a white genocide to begin with. if you held a hexbear survey asking for race, im certain it would be white af.

    can you list any country where American whites are considered second class people?

    its the same reason why when you say 'kill all men' to be edgy or whatever, it doesn't really hit that hard because we live in a patriarchal society.

  • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
    7 months ago

    We're against the genocide happening in Gaza by the Israelis against the Palestinians.

    • THC
      7 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • WayeeCool [comrade/them]
        7 months ago

        Unlimited genocide on the kkkrackers.

        I clicked the links and found it was this. I upbeared all of it. sO mUcH fOr THe tOLerAnT LeFT?

        Can you tell me why the r/ChapoTrapHouse subreddit eventually got banned by reddit admins? It was because the moderators kept doubling down on the subreddits official stance that whip crackers, aka slave owners, deserved to die and reconstruction didn't go far enough. Other official stances were it was a mistake for UK and US to deny to the Soviet demand that Nazis all be executed rather than put in important positions of government. And other favorites like KKK members should all get the wall.

        If reading stuff like this makes you irrationally upset and feel personally attacked... then I suggest you stop and have a moment of introspection.

        edit: they replied and immediately blocked me in an attempt to stop a reply. OP is acting in bad faith and discussion is pointless. terminal liberalism.

        • THC
          7 months ago

          deleted by creator

          • WayeeCool [comrade/them]
            7 months ago

            Since when was being a racist white person an "immutable trait determined by genetics"? That's extremely racist and I suspect you would get a long great with the anti-zionism is anti-semitism crowd. Fucking liberalism.

            edit: lmao they replied then immediately blocked me to prevent a response, straight up the shit Twitter liberals do. someone please respond to whatever they replied.

            • THC
              7 months ago

              deleted by creator

          • betelgeuse [comrade/them]
            7 months ago

            You're trying to define genocide purely isolated in language and syntax rather than view it as an actual historical phenomena caused by those in power.

            Historically, as in what actually happened in reality, not some possible future scenario where 5 hexbear users take over the world and get to kill all white people, who was genocided? Was it all white people? No? Then shut the fuck up.

            This is exactly why saying "cracker" will never be the white people n-word despite "calling people slurs based on their immutable traits is wrong" being true. It doesn't matter that you can construct a linguistic reason to say it's bad, what matters is what actually happened. White people weren't historically slandered for being white. So it's okay to say cracker. It's not reverse racism.

    • THC
      7 months ago

      deleted by creator