It's why a lot of western anti-semites support Israel. Colonialism comes first.

If a group of black trans lesbians started a settler colonialist project MAGA fascists would find it in themselves to support them.

  • CarmineCatboy [he/him]
    7 months ago

    There are a lot of reasons why right wingers and all sorts of supremacists support Israel. It's been baked into their political movements for half a century + now. You've got the christian dominionists, who want Palestine to be jewish as they see it as a requirement for the end times. You've got anti semites who enjoy both the fact that Israel is killing people who they hate even more (muslims), and that Israel is doing it far away from 'The West'. And you've got reactionaries who simply stand against anything they perceive to be a 'left wing' project.

    What ties every one of these groups and others is the idea of good jews and bad jews. Good jews are israelis, as they are 'ethnonationalist' and carry out policies they wish to implement in their own countries. Bad jews are socialists, liberals, and left wingers. Whenever right wingers use the word globalist they harken to this supposed divide. It is only the hardcore anti semites who buckle the trend a bit and believe that, actually, all jews are globalists and the jewish conspiracy is that 'white countries' are not allowed to follow the same policies as Israel.

    It's like that twitter post succintly put. People like Elon Musk will eventually reach an agreement with the israeli lobby. It's ok to be anti semite, as long as you don't criticize israeli apartheid.

  • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
    7 months ago

    In fact, the great-great-grandparents of the MAGA fascists did actually support a black settler colonial project, quite enthusiastically. That country only got its first indigenous president in 1980. Its flag still today is a loving homage to the Stars and Stripes, and its capital is still named after president James Monroe.

    7 months ago

    The contradictions have grown untenable here; the only problem is that the relevant parties in the west haven't en masse started stomping it in. Every time these cracker-assed settler-liberals screech, whine, and cry for us to support their butcher, Genocide Joe, they do it in ignorance of the fact that more than half of their subjects-of-empire have to live in the aftermath of an older colonial genocide that their ancestors were overrun in.

    And they expect to get the same support now, from us, that they got from the original settlers when they were first Manifesting their Destiny. And this is why I don't have the first issue watching Amerika crumble and burn. Also, there's one way that the settlers wouldn't support a Black settler colonialist project-- and that's if we settler-colonized a chunk of Amerika. They locked up Grandmaster Jay on trumped up firearms charges for just talking the concept and getting a militia organized.

  • Judge_Jury [comrade/them, he/him]
    7 months ago

    I don't think so. With enough bourgeois interests tied up in the project, our media could create that support, but one of the biggest reasons why ordinary western anti-semites support Israel is that Israel's existence is a prerequisite for the Rapture. Of course that's pushed cynically at the think-tank level, but a shocking number of people whole-heartedly believe they live in the Left Behind cinematic universe

    • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
      7 months ago

      but one of the biggest reasons why ordinary western anti-semites support Israel is that Israel's existence is a prerequisite for the Rapture.

      Possibly for evangelical fash, but even some of the pagan larper dorks are pro Israel.

    7 months ago

    That's because Zionism laterally advocate that Jews don't belong in Europe and North America and should "go back to their homeland", Zionism give bigots an excuse to rid their country of their Jewish population without looking antisemitic (to peoples who don't know better).

    This is nothing new btw, the Nazis supported Zionism: