So we just got a coffee machine as a gift and I wanted to find some good sources of coffee.

I'm painfully unsure of how well to trust fair-trade and certifications, what's bullshit and what isn't.

Something like Zapatista coffee would be amazing, but I can't find anything that ships to the cursed island of Australia.

I know there are some Australian growers, which might be better off from an environmental standpoint but as far as I know they're all owned by and continue to produce profit for millionaires.

Any help would be amazing - if you can get me on it I'll even start trying to spread the word to local cafes to give back.

  • RandyLahey [he/him]
    3 years ago

    this is also as good a place as any to mention something i think about a fair bit, since at work i guiltily go to the local cafe that uses campos beans

    fun story - when campos was just a single-store outfit (and more exclusive to the trendy radlib hipsters of newtown), they used to have a back wall of hoppers of beans of all sorts of different exotic coffees, and one on the end that was their "fair trade" coffee. so there was the almost-explicit question of "how much cruelty would sir like in his coffee?", a bit like how the same company will sell both free-range and cage eggs in the supermarket, but with the additional assumption from the ratio of fair-trade to non-fair-trade that for most people the answer would be "as much cruelty as possible please, if it saves me a few cents". theyve now long since stopped stocking their fair trade coffee altogether lol, so it seems like the IPA free-trade model won out in the free market of the hearts and minds of woke newtown hipsters

    • GothWhitlam [he/him]
      3 years ago

      God damn. Fucking hipsters, the most radlib of all groups. The amount of hipsters that came and went in my life who were fucking misogynists, racist or simply contrarian for the sake of it. No surprise at all.