The cool thing is that we still don't know the cause of all the mass extinctions in the Earth's history, just for lack of evidence. Dinosaurs were probably either a meteor or a volcano, but that's just one out of the five extinctions we had. I've watched professors argue about it to the degree that one of them mentioned afterwards that there should be a mandatory retirement age, it's the funniest shit when you're an undergrad who doesn't know enough to have an opinion.
The cool thing is that we still don't know the cause of all the mass extinctions in the Earth's history, just for lack of evidence. Dinosaurs were probably either a meteor or a volcano, but that's just one out of the five extinctions we had. I've watched professors argue about it to the degree that one of them mentioned afterwards that there should be a mandatory retirement age, it's the funniest shit when you're an undergrad who doesn't know enough to have an opinion.